1. Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Division of General Internal Medicine; 125 Paterson Street New Brunswick New Jersey USA 08903
2. Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and University of Oxford; National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical Research Centre; John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way Headington Oxford UK OX3 9BQ
3. Ottawa Hospital Research Institute; 725 Parkdale Ave. Ottawa ON Canada K1Y 4E9
4. Ottawa Hospital Research Institute; Clinical Epidemiology Program; 501 Smyth Road Ottawa ON Canada K1H 8L6
5. University of Pittsburgh; The Institute for Transfusion Medicine; Five Parkway Center 875 Greentree Road Pittsburgh PA USA 15220
6. NHS Blood and Transplant; Systematic Review Initiative; John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford UK OX3 9BQ
7. University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre; Centre for Research; 900 rue St-Denis, local R04-402 Tour Viger Montreal QC Canada H2X 0A9