1. Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney; The George Institute for Global Health; PO Box M201 Sydney Australia NSW 2050
2. The University of Sydney; Discipline of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences; 75 East Street Sydney Lidcombe NSW Australia 1825
3. South Western Sydney Clinical School, UNSW Australia; Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research; Elizabeth Street Liverpool New South Wales Australia 2170
4. Erasmus Medical Center; Department of General Practice; PO Box 2040 Rotterdam Netherlands 3000 CA
5. VU University Amsterdam; Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences; PO Box 7057 Room U454 Amsterdam Netherlands 1007 MB
6. University of São Paulo; Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine; Av. Bandeirantes, 3900 - Monte Alegre Ribeirão Preto São Paulo Brazil
7. Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney; The George Institute for Global Health & Institute of Bone and Joint Research, The Kolling Institute; Sydney NSW Australia