1. Radboud University Medical Centre; Department of Neurology; PO Box 9101 Nijmegen Netherlands 6500 HB
2. UMC Utrecht, Wilhelmina's Children's Hospital; Department of Pediatric Dermatology and Allergology; UMC Utrecht, G.02.124 PO Box 85500 Utrecht Netherlands 3508 GA
3. Children’s Hospital, Erasmus University Medical Center; Department of Pediatric Dermatology; PO Box 2040 Rotterdam Netherlands 3000 CA
4. TNO; Department of Child Health; Wassenaarseweg 56 Leiden Zuid-Holland Netherlands 2215 PB
5. University Medical Centre Groningen; Department of Neurology; Hanzeplein 1 Groningen Netherlands 9700 RB
6. Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center; Department for Health Evidence; PO Box 9101 Nijmegen Netherlands 6500 HB