1. University of Montreal; Department of Radiology, Radio-Oncology and Nuclear Medicine; 900, rue Saint-Denis, bureau R12.480 Centre de recherche du CHUM Montreal Quebec Canada H2X 0A9
2. University of Ottawa; Department of Radiology; Room c159, 1053 Carling Avenue Ottawa Ontario Canada K1Y 4E9
3. University of California, San Francisco; Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging; 505 Parnassus Avenue, M391 San Francisco CA USA 94143
4. Research Center, CHU-Sainte Justine; Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; 3175 Cote-Sainte-Catherine West Montréal Quebec Canada H3T1C5
5. University of California, San Diego; Computational and Applied Statistics Laboratory at the San Diego Supercomputer Center; 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla CA USA 92093-0505
6. CHU Sainte-Justine; Unité de recherche clinique appliquée; 3175 Côte-Ste-Catherine Local 7122 Montreal QC Canada H3T 1C5
7. University of Montreal; School of Public Health; 3175, Côte Ste-Catherine Montreal Quebec (QC) Canada H3T 1C5
8. University of California, San Diego; Department of Radiology; Altman Clinical and TranslationalResearch Institute La Lolla CA USA