1. University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh Dental Institute; Lauriston Place Edinburgh Scotland UK EH3 8HA
2. Division of Dentistry, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, The University of Manchester; Cochrane Oral Health; JR Moore Building Oxford Road Manchester UK M13 9PL
3. UCL Eastman Dental Institute; Unit of Periodontology and International Centre for Evidence-Based Oral Health; 256 Gray's Inn Road London UK WC1X 8LD
4. Public Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh; Centre for Public Health and Primary Care Research; Teviot Place Edinburgh UK EH8 9AG
5. Peninsula Dental School; Oral Health Services Research; The John Bull Building, Tamar Science Park, Research Way Plymouth UK PL6 8BU
6. University of Dundee Dental Hospital and School; Department of Restorative Dentistry; Park Place Dundee Tayside UK DD1 4HN
7. University of Central Lancashire; School of Medicine; Harrington Building Preston, Lancashire UK