1. Abu-Naba'a L Management of Primary Occlusal Pit and Fissure Caries Using Ozone Report by RKS Consultancy, PO Box 81, 1250 AB Laren NH, The Netherlands 32
2. Abu-Naba'a L Al Shorman H Lynch E Ozone Treatment of Primary Occlusal Pit and Fissure Caries: 12-month ECM Results and Clinical Implications [abstract] Presented at the 50th Annual Congress of European Organization for Caries Research Konstanz, Germany
3. Abu-Naba'a L Al Shorman H Lynch E Ozone management of occlusal pit and fissure caries (PFC): 12-month review [abstract] Provided by Prof E Lynch, source unclear
4. Abu-Naba'a L Al Shorman H Stevenson M Lynch E Ozone Treatment of Pit and Fissure Caries: 6-month Results [abstract] Presented at the AADR meeting San Antonio, USA March 2003