1. Department of Internal Medicine; The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust; Wolverhampton UK
2. Department of Cardiology; Addenbrookes Hospital (Cambridge University Hospitals); Cambridge UK
3. Cardiology Department; Royal Free Hospital, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust; London UK
4. Department of Anaesthesia; St Helier Hospital; London UK
5. Department of Cardiology; Royal Free Hospital; London UK
6. Calderdale Royal Hospital; Halifax UK
7. University of East Anglia; Norwich UK
8. Scunthrope General Hospital; Scunthorpe UK
9. Centre for Cardiology in the Young; The Heart Hospital, University College London Hospitals; London UK
10. Royal Free Hospital; London UK
11. MRC Unit of Lifelong Health and Ageing; University College London; London UK
12. Institute of Health Informatics Research; University College London; London UK
13. Barts Heart Centre; St Bartholomew's Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust; London UK