1. University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre; Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine & Health; Jean McFarlane Building Oxford Road Manchester UK M13 9PL
2. Southmead Hospital, North Bristol Foundation Trust; Trauma and Orthopaedics; Southmead Way Bristol Avon UK BS10 5NB
3. Severn Deanery, Health Education South West, England; General Surgery; Flat 407, 51.02 Apartments Bristol UK BS1 3LY
4. Independent Researcher; 7 Victoria Terrace, Kirkstall Leeds UK LS5 3HX
5. Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester; Division of Cancer Sciences; 5th Floor - Research St Mary's Hospital Manchester UK M13 9WL