1. Warneford Hospital; Centre for Suicide Research, University Department of Psychiatry; Oxford UK OX3 7JX
2. University of Nottingham; Self-Harm Research Group, School of Psychology; University Park Nottingham UK NG7 2RD
3. University College Cork; National Suicide Research Foundation and Department of Epidemiology and Public Health; Cork Ireland
4. University of Bristol; School of Social and Community Medicine; Canynge Hall 39 Whatley Road Bristol UK BS8 2PR
5. Sydney Medical School; Discipline of Psychiatry; G03 - Thomas Walker Hospital Hospital Rd Concord West New South Wales Australia 2138
6. University of Leeds; Leeds Institute of Health Sciences; Charles Thackrah Building 101 Clarendon Road Leeds UK LS2 9LJ
7. Ghent University; Unit for Suicide Research, Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology; Ghent Belgium 9000