1. Glickman Urological and Kidney institute, Cleveland Clinic; Department of Nephrology and Hypertension; Cleveland OH USA 44195
2. University of Otago Christchurch; Department of Medicine; 2 Riccarton Ave PO Box 4345 Christchurch New Zealand 8140
3. Mario Negri Sud Consortium; Clinical Pharmacology and Epidemiology; Via Nazionale 8/A Santa Maria Imbaro Chieti Italy 66030
4. b) Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney; a) Cochrane Renal Group, Centre for Kidney Research, The Children's Hospital at Westmead; Sydney Australia
5. b) Osteoporosis and Bone Biology Program, Garvan Institute of Medical Research; a) Department of Renal Medicine, Westmead Hospital; 384 Victoria St Darlinghurst NSW Australia 2010
6. b) Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Australia, c) Diaverum Medical-Scientific Office; a) Mario Negri Sud Consortium, Santa Maria Imbaro (Ch), Italy; Lund Sweden