1. The George Institute for International Health; Level 7, 341 George Street Sydney NSW Australia 2000
2. VU University; Department of Health Sciences, EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research; PO Box 7057 Amsterdam Netherlands 1007 MB
3. VU University; Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences; PO Box 7057 Room U454 Amsterdam Netherlands 1007 MB
4. University of Maastricht; Department of Clinical Psychology; Peter Debyeplein 23 Maastricht Netherlands 6229 HX
5. University of Leeds; Leeds Institute of Health Sciences; Charles Thackrah Building 101 Clarendon Road Leeds UK LS2 9LJ
6. Leiden University Medical Center; Department of Public Health and Primary Care; PO Box 9600 Leiden Netherlands 2300 RC
7. Keele University; Primary Care Sciences; Staffordshire UK