1. Norwegian Medicines Agency; Statens legemiddelverk; Sven Oftedals vei 8 Oslo Norway NO-0950
2. Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services; Postboks 7004 St. Olavsplass Oslo Norway 0130
3. University Medical Center Tübingen; Comprehensive Cancer Center; Herrenberger Str. 23 Tübingen Germany D 72070
4. Rigshospitalet, 3343; Nordic Cochrane Centre; Blegdamsvej 9 Copenhagen Ø Denmark 2100
5. Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, The University of Newcastle; Department of Clinical Pharmacology; Level 5, Clinical Sciences Building, Newcastle Mater Hospital, Edith Street, Waratah Newcastle New South Wales Australia 2298
6. Wake Forest University; Public Health Services; Winston-Salem USA
7. Agenzia Sanitaria Regionale; viale Aldo Moro, 38 Bologna Italy 40127
8. Institute of Clinical Evaluative Sciences; 2075 Bayview Avenue G1 06 Toronto Ontario Canada M4N 3M5
9. Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services; Global Health Unit; P.O. Box 7004, St. Olavs plass Oslo Norway N-0130
10. University of Aberdeen; Health Services Research Unit, Division of Applied Health Sciences; Polwarth Building Foresterhill Aberdeen UK AB25 2ZD
11. Harvard Medical School; Drug Policy Research Group, Dept. of Population Medicine; 133 Brookline Avenue, 6th Floor Boston MA USA 02215
12. Harvard Medical School; Department of Ambulatory Care and Prevention; 133 Brookline Ave, 6th Floor Boston MA USA 02215