1. University of Aberdeen; Health Services Research Unit; Foresterhill Aberdeen UK AB25 2ZD
2. University of Dundee; NRS Primary Care Network; The Mackenzie Building Kirsty Semple Way Dundee Tayside UK DD2 4BF
3. University of Oxford; NDORMS; Centre for Statistics in Medicine Nuffield Orthoapedic Centre, Windmill Rd Oxford Scotland UK AB25 2ZD
4. Hull York Medical School; Hertford Building University of Hull Hull UK HU6 7RX
5. University of St Andrews; Division of Population & Behavioural Science; North Haugh University of St Andrews St Andrews UK KY16 9TF
6. University of Central Lancashire; Harrington Building; HA123 Preston UK PR1 2HE
7. The Work Foundation; Centre for Workforce Effectiveness; 21 Palmer Street London UK SW1V 3PF