1. Information Specialist, Consultant; Ottawa Ontario Canada
2. Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa; Department of Medicine; Ottawa ON Canada K1N 6N5
3. McGill University; Department of Family Medicine; 3755 Cote Ste-Catherine Road Montreal QC Canada H3T 1E2
4. KU Leuven; Methodology of Educational Sciences Research Group; Andreas Vesaliusstraat 2 Leuven Belgium 3000
5. Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec - Hôpital St-François d'Assise; Département de médecine familiale, Université Laval; 10, rue l"Espinay Québec QC Canada G1L 3L5
6. University of Oxford; Bodleian Health Care Libraries; Knowledge Centre, ORC Research Building, Old Road Campus Oxford Oxfordshire UK OX3 7DQ
7. University of British Columbia; Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics; 300C - 2176 Health Sciences Mall Vancouver BC Canada V6T 1Z3
8. University of Ottawa; Bruyère Research Institute; 85 Primrose Street Ottawa ON Canada K1N 5C8