1. University of Bristol; Department of Clinical Neurosciences; Learning and Research Building Southmead Hospital Bristol UK BS10 5NB
2. University of Cambridge; Institute of Public Health; Forvie Site Robinson Way Cambridge UK CB2 0SR
3. Southmead Hospital, NHS Trust; Department of Neuropsychology; Southmead Way Avon Bristol UK BS10 5NB
4. University Hospitals Bristol; Medical Physics and Bioengineering; Susan Britton Wills Unit, Bristol General Hospital, Guinea Street Bristol UK BS16SY
5. University of Birmingham; Public Health, Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Edgbaston Birmingham UK B15 2TT
6. University of Bristol and North Bristol NHS trust; Neurology; Frenchay Park Road Bristol UK BS16 1LE
7. University of Bristol; School of Social and Community Medicine; Oakfield House Oakfield Grove Bristol UK BS8 2PS