1. Hôpital du Sacré Cœur; Department of Dermatology; Beirut Lebanon
2. Hôpital Henri Mondor; Department of Dermatology; 51 avenue du Général de Lattre de Tassigny Créteil France 94010
3. Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (The Southern General Hospital); Department of Dermatology; 1345 Govan Road Glasgow UK G51 4TF
4. The University of Nottingham; c/o Cochrane Skin Group; A103, King's Meadow Campus Lenton Lane Nottingham UK NG7 2NR
5. Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC); Epidemiology in Dermatology and Evaluation of Therapeutics (EpiDermE) - EA 7379; Créteil France