1. University of Southampton; Primary Care and Population Sciences, Faculty of Medicine; Aldermoor Health Centre Aldermoor Close Southampton UK SO16 5ST
2. University of Southampton; University Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine; Southampton UK
3. University of Cape Town; UCT Sleep Sciences, Department of Psychology; Cape Town South Africa
4. Bournemouth University; Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science and Technology; Poole House, Talbot Campus Fern Barrow Poole UK BH12 5BB
5. The Burden Centre, Frenchay hospital; Department of Neurosurgery; Bristol UK BS16 1LE
6. Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton; University Department of Psychiatry; Academic Centre, College Keep 4-12 Terminus Terrace Southampton UK SO14 3DT
7. Imperial College London; Centre for Neuropsychopharmacology, Division of Brain Sciences; Burlington Danes Building Hammersmith Hospital campus London UK W12 0NN