1. University of Alberta; Department of Physical Therapy; 2-50, Corbett Hall Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 2G4
2. University of British Columbia; Department of Physical Therapy; 212, Friedman Building 2177 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver British Columbia Canada V6T 1Z3
3. Insitute of Health Economics; Medical Sciences; 1200 - 10405 Jasper Avenue Edmonton Alberta Canada T5J 3NA
4. University of Alberta; Department of Emergency Medicine; Room 1G1.43 Walter C. Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre 8440 112th Street Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 2B7
5. University of Alberta; Department of Surgery; 434 Pawson Cove Edmonton Alberta Canada T5T 5Z1
6. University of Alberta; Department of Pediatrics; 8417 Aberhart Centre One 11402 University Ave Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 2J3
7. University of Alberta and Cross Cancer Institute; Department of Medical Oncology; 11560 University Avenue Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G IZ2
8. University of Alberta; Behavioural Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation; E-424 Van Vliet Centre Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 2H9