1. Waterland Hospital; PO Box 250 Purmerend Netherlands 1440 AG
2. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; Department of Medicine, Dermatology Service; 160 East 53rd St New York USA 10022
3. Leiden University Medical Center; Walaeus Library; PO Box 9600 Leiden Netherlands 2300 RC
4. Leiden University Medical Center; Department of Dermatology; PO Box 9600 B1-Q Leiden Netherlands 2300 RC
5. Leiden University Medical Center; Department of Medical Statistics; PO Box 9600 Leiden Netherlands 2300 RC
6. Waterland Hospital; Department of Internal Medicine; PO-box 250 Purmerend Netherlands 1440 AG
7. Leiden University Medical Center; Department of Clinical Oncology; PO Box 9600 Leiden Netherlands 2300 RC
8. Admiraal de Ruyter Hospital; Department of Dermatology; 's-Gravenpolderse-weg 114 Goes Netherlands 4462 RA
9. Kidney Cancer Association; 1234 Sherman Ave Ste 203 Evanston Illinois USA 60202