1. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health; Department of Epidemiology; 615 North Wolfe Street Baltimore MD MD USA 21205
2. Harvard Medical School; Boston MA USA 02115
3. SUNY Upstate Medical University; Department of Pediatrics; Syracuse New York USA 13202
4. Aga Khan University Hospital; Division of Women and Child Health; Stadium Road PO Box 3500 Karachi Pakistan 74800
5. John Radcliffe Hospital; Headley Way, Headington Oxford Oxfordshire UK OX3 9DU
6. University of Oxford; Department of Public Health, National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit; Old Road Campus Oxford UK OX3 7LF
7. University of Oxford; Nuffield Department of Population Health; Oxford UK
8. Hospital for Sick Children; Center for Global Child Health; Toronto Ontario Canada M5G A04
9. Aga Khan University Hospital; Centre for Excellence in Women and Child Health; Stadium Road PO Box 3500 Karachi Pakistan 74800