1. Institute for Work & Health; 481 University Avenue, Suite 800 Toronto ON Canada M5G 2E9
2. VU University; Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences; PO Box 7057 Room U454 Amsterdam Netherlands 1007 MB
3. Center for Health Studies; Group Health Cooperative; 1730 Minor Avenue Suite 1600 Seattle WA USA 98101
4. Tsukuba College of Technology Clinic; Kasuga 4-12-7 Tsukuba City Japan 305-0821
5. University of Maryland School of Medicine; Complementary Medicine Program; Kerman Hospital Mansion 2200 Kernan Drive Baltimore Maryland USA 21207 6697
6. Erasmus Medical Center; Department of General Practice; PO Box 2040 Rotterdam Netherlands 3000 CA
7. University of Maryland School of Medicine; Center for Integrative Medicine; 520 W. Lombard St 2nd Floor Baltimore Maryland USA 21201