1. Bridgeport Hospital/Yale New Haven Health System; Department of Internal Medicine; 267 Grant Street Section of Internal Medicine Bridgeport Connecticut USA 06610
2. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Department of Internal Medicine and Evidence-Based Healthcare Program, Faculty of Medicine; Lira 44, Decanato Primer piso Santiago Chile
3. Rutgers University; Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine; 185 South Orange Avenue Newark New Jersey USA 07101
4. Bridgeport Hospital; Department of Internal Medicine; 267 Grant Street Bridgeport Connecticut USA 06610
5. Universidad del Desarrollo; Faculty of Dentistry; Barros Arana 1735 Concepción Chile CP. 4070553
6. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine; Medical Science Building, UMDNJ 185 South Orange Avenue Newark New Jersey USA NJ 07103-2714
7. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Sistema de Bibliotecas UC; Santiago Región Metropolitana Chile 8330074
8. Yale New Haven Health System; 267 Grant St Bridgeport Connecticut USA 06610