1. Physiotherapy DepartmentUniversity Center of Associated Colleges (UNIFAE)São João da Boa Vista São Paulo Brazil
2. Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Postgraduate Program in Surgery SciencesState University of Campinas (UNICAMP)Campinas São Paulo Brazil
3. Physiotherapy DepartmentRegional University Center of the Espírito Santo do PinhalEspírito Santo do Pinhal São Paulo Brazil
4. Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry, School of DentistryFederal University of UberlândiaUberlândia Minas Gerais Brazil
5. Social Medicine Department, Post‐graduate Program in EpidemiologyFederal University of PelotasPelotas Rio Grande do Sul Brazil
6. Motor Science Institute, Post‐graduate Program in Rehabilitation SciencesFederal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL‐MG)Alfenas Minas Gerais Brazil