1. and in Modern Theoretical Chemistry, vol. 3, Ed., Plenum, New York, 1977, pp. 1-27 [exponents for single d function sets added to (9s5p/3s2p) sets for first-row atoms and (11s7p/6s4p) sets for second-row atoms].
2. The choice of Gaussian basis sets for molecular electronic structure calculations
3. and 77, 3654 (1982) (exponents for single sets of d functions added to the 6-31G set for first- and second-row atoms based upon HF calculations of molecules).
4. and in Gaussian Basis Sets for Molecular Calculations, Ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984 [exponents for single and double sets of p and d functions added to basis sets ranging from (6s3p/2s1p) to (10s7p/2s1p) for first-row atoms and (9s6p/3s2p) to (11s8p/3s2p) for secondrow atoms. Recommendations obtained by maximizing the overlap between the added functions and the valence sp basis].
5. Self‐consistent molecular orbital methods 25. Supplementary functions for Gaussian basis sets