1. “Installation and Troubleshooting Guide for the IONPAC(R) AS9-SC Analytical Column. Standard Operating Conditions for the AS9-SC Column” Dionex Corporation (1992).
2. Forensic applications of coupling non-suppressed ion-exchange chromatography with ion-exclusion chromatography
3. Cyantesmo Test Paper for the Detection of Hydrocyanic Acid and Cyanides. Machery-Nagel D-5160 Duren, Germany.
4. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th Ed. and Eds. (American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association & Water Pollution Control Federation, 1992), pp. 4-18 4-33.
5. in Clarke's Isolation and Identification of Drugs, Second Ed., and Eds. (The Pharmaceutical Press, London, 1986), p. 68.