1. Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine University of Washington Washington USA
2. Department of Surgery and Institute of Medical Science Krembil Brain Institute, University Health Network, University of Toronto Toronto Ontario Canada
3. Inserm U987, APHP, UVSQ Paris‐Saclay University, Ambroise Pare Hospital Boulogne‐Billancourt France
4. Department of Anesthesiology, Neurobiology and Anatomy Wake Forest University School of Medicine Winston‐Salem USA
5. Department of Psychology York University Toronto Ontario Canada
6. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Duke University School of Medicine North USA
7. Department of Anesthesiology Perioperative Care, and Pain Medicine and Division of Medical Ethics NYU Grossman School of Medicine New York New York USA
8. Department of Neurology Rambam Medical Center, and Laboratory of Clinical Neurophysiology, Technion Faculty of Medicine Haifa Israel