1. Department of BiologyUniversity of FlorenceVia del Proconsolo, 12Firenze50122 Italy
2. Department of Cultural HeritageLaboratory of Anthropology, University of BolognaVia degli Ariani 1Ravenna48121 Italy
3. Department of Cultural HeritageConservation Science Laboratory for Cultural Heritage, University of BolognaVia degli Ariani 1Ravenna48121 Italy
4. Study Centre for the Quaternary Period (CeSQ)Via Nuova dell'Ammazzatoio 7Sansepolcro ArezzoI‐52037 Italy
5. Department of Physical SciencesEarth and Environment, University of Siena, Research Unit in Prehistory and AnthropologyVia Laterina 8Siena53100 Italy
6. Max Planck‐Weizmann Center for Integrative Archaeology and AnthropologyD‐REAMS Radiocarbon Laboratory, Weizmann Institute of ScienceRehovot7610001 Israel
7. Institute of Clinical Physiology, IFC‐CNRVia G. Moruzzi 1Pisa56124 Italy
8. Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental SciencesUniversity of BolognaVia Sant'Alberto 163Ravenna48123 Italy
9. School of ScienceUniversity of BolognaVia dell'Agricoltura 5Ravenna48123 Italy
10. Department of BiologicalGeological and Environmental Sciences – BiGeA University of BolognaVia Selmi 3Bologna40126 Italy
11. Department of BiologyUniversity of Pisavia Derna 1Pisa56125 Italy
12. Department of Civilisations and Forms of KnowledgeUniversity of PisaVia Pasquale Paoli, 15Pisa56126 Italy
13. UCD School of MedicineHealth Science Centre, University College DublinBelfield Dublin 4 Ireland
14. Department of AnthropologyCampus Box 1114, Washington UniversitySaint Louis Missouri63130
15. Department of Human EvolutionMax Planck Institute for Evolutionary AnthropologyDeutscher Platz 6Leipzig04103 Germany