1. US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, Investigation Report, Dust Explosion, West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc., Kinston, North Carolina, January 29, 2003. Report No. 2003–07-I-NC, September 2004.
2. US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, Investigation Report, Combustible Dust Fire and Explosions, CTA Acoustics, Inc., Corbin, Kentucky February 20, 2003. Report No. 2003–09-I-KY, February 2005.
3. US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, Investigation Report, Aluminum Dust Explosion, Hayes Lemmerz International-Huntington, Inc., Huntington, Indiana, October 29, 2003. Report No. 2004–01-I-IN, September 2005.
4. National Fire Protection Association, “Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids,” NFPA 654, paragraph, 2006.
5. and , Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 7th Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 6–54, 1997.