1. Department of Human Pathology of the Adult, The Child and the AdolescentUniversity of Messina Messina Italy
2. Comprensorio Sanitario di BolzanoPlastic Surgery Bolzano Italy
3. Department of TraumatologyAzienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Citta della Salute e della Scienza di Torino Turin Italy
4. Department of Anatomy and Surgical AnatomyAristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Medicine Thessaloniki Greece
5. Padua University HospitalClinic of Plastic Surgery Padua Italy
6. Alexandroupoli University General Hospital, Department of Plastic Surgery and BurnsDemocritus University of Thrace Alexandroupoli Greece
7. University of Turin School of MedicineClinical & Biological Sciences Turin Italy