1. Alexander P. 2007. SPI of the Requirements-Engineering-process for embedded systems using SPICE, MB Tech. Proceedings of the EuroSPI 2006 Conference, ISBN: 952-458-864-1, 11-13 October 2006, Joensuu, Finland. Wiley SPIP Book as special EuroSPI issue.
2. Automotive SPICE. ISO 15 504 Conform Assessment Model, 2005-2006. The SPICE User Group, www.automotivespice.com.
3. Experiences On Outsourcing Requirements Specifications, DaimlerChrysler AG. Proceedings of the EuroSPI 2001 Conference, ISBN: 0-9 541 582-0-2, 10-12 October 2001, Limmerick, Ireland. http://www.iscn.at/newspaper/private/procurement/ eurospi_2001_DaimlerChrysler.html, user : organic 2006, password: xxyyzz123 [February 2008].
4. IEC 61 508. Standard for Safety related systems from ISO, focus on IEC 61508-part 2. Requirements for Electric/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Systems.
5. Integrated Requirements Engineering Approach for Systems and Software, Liebherr. Proceedings of the EuroSPI 1998 Conference/EuroSPI Online Library (library.eurospi.net), 16-18 November 1998, Gothenburg, Sweden. http://www.iscn.at/newspaper/private/requirements/lindenberg.html, user : organic 2006, password: xxyyzz123 [February 2008].