1. Biomedical Proteomics Research Center; Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology; Daejeon Korea
2. CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center; Montreal Canada
3. Center for Synaptic Brain Dysfunctions; Institute for Basic Science (IBS); Daejeon Korea
4. Department of Medical Imaging; CHU Sainte-Justine; Montreal Canada
5. Department of Pediatrics; University of Montreal; Montreal Canada
6. Department of Neurosciences; University of Montreal; Montreal Canada
7. Genomic Medicine Institute; Cleveland Clinic; Cleveland Ohio
8. Department of Neurology; Stanford University; Division of Child Neurology; Lucile Packard Children's Hospital; Stanford California
9. Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare; St. Paul Minnesota
10. Department of Neurology; Maastricht University Medical Center; Maastricht The Netherlands
11. Orbis Medical Center; Sittard The Netherlands
12. Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute; University of Ottawa; Ottawa Canada
13. Department of Clinical Genetics; Medical Research Center; Oulu University Hospital and University of Oulu; Oulu Finland
14. Research Programs Unit; Molecular Neurology; University of Helsinki; Helsinki Finland
15. Department of Neurology; University Medical Centre Utrecht; Utrecht The Netherlands
16. Department of Medical Genetics; University Medical Center Utrecht; Utrecht The Netherlands
17. Department of Clinical Genetics and School for Oncology and Developmental Biology (GROW); Maastricht University Medical Center; Maastricht The Netherlands
18. Department of Pediatric Neurology; Radboud University Medical Centre; Nijmegen The Netherlands
19. Department of Human Genetics; Radboud University Medical Center; Nijmegen The Netherlands
20. Montreal Neurological Institute; McGill University; Montreal Canada
21. Department of Biological Sciences; Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST); Daejeon Korea