Variants inCUL4Bare Associated with Cerebral Malformations


Vulto-van Silfhout Anneke T.1,Nakagawa Tadashi2,Bahi-Buisson Nadia345,Haas Stefan A.6,Hu Hao7,Bienek Melanie7,Vissers Lisenka E.L.M.1,Gilissen Christian1,Tzschach Andreas78,Busche Andreas9,Müsebeck Jörg10,Rump Patrick11,Mathijssen Inge B.12,Avela Kristiina13,Somer Mirja13,Doagu Fatma14,Philips Anju K.14ORCID,Rauch Anita15,Baumer Alessandra15,Voesenek Krysta1,Poirier Karine45,Vigneron Jacqueline16,Amram Daniel17,Odent Sylvie18,Nawara Magdalena19,Obersztyn Ewa19,Lenart Jacek19,Charzewska Agnieszka19,Lebrun Nicolas45,Fischer Ute7,Nillesen Willy M.1,Yntema Helger G.1,Järvelä Irma14,Ropers Hans-Hilger7,de Vries Bert B.A.120,Brunner Han G.1,van Bokhoven Hans120,Raymond F. Lucy21,Willemsen Michèl A.A.P.22,Chelly Jamel45,Xiong Yue2,Barkovich A. James23,Kalscheuer Vera M.7,Kleefstra Tjitske120,de Brouwer Arjan P.M.120


1. Department of Human Genetics; Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences and Donders Institute for Brain; Cognition and Behaviour; Radboud university medical center; Nijmegen The Netherlands

2. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill North Carolina

3. Neurologie pédiatrique; Hopital Necker Enfants Malades; Université Paris Descartes; APHP; Paris France

4. Institut Cochin, Université Paris-Descartes; CNRS (UMR 8104); Paris France

5. Inserm; U1016; Paris France

6. Department of Computational Molecular Biology; Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics; Berlin Germany

7. Department of Human Molecular Genetics; Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics; Berlin Germany

8. Institute of Human Genetics; University of Tuebingen; Tuebingen Germany

9. Institute of Human Genetics; University Medical Center Freiburg; Freiburg Germany

10. Centre for Human Genetics; University of Bremen; Bremen Germany

11. Department of Genetics; University of Groningen; University Medical Center Groningen; Groningen The Netherlands

12. Department of Clinical Genetics; Academic Medical Center; Amsterdam The Netherlands

13. Norio Center; Rinnekoti Foundation Helsinki Finland

14. Department of Medical Genetics; University of Helsinki; Helsinki Finland

15. Institute of Medical Genetics; University of Zurich; Schlieren Switzerland

16. Department of Human Genetics; Regional Maternity University Adolphe Pinard; Nancy France

17. Department of Human Genetics; Creteil France

18. Department of Clinical Genetics; CHU Rennes; UMR 6290 CNRS; Université of Rennes; Rennes France

19. Department of Medical Genetics; Institute of Mother and Child; Warsaw Poland

20. Department of Cognitive Neurosciences; Donders Institute for Brain; Cognition and Behaviour; Radboud University Nijmegen; Nijmegen The Netherlands

21. Department of Medical Genetics; University of Cambridge; Cambridge United Kingdom

22. Department of Pediatric Neurology; Radboud university medical center; Nijmegen The Netherlands

23. Departments of Radiology; Neurology, Pediatrics and Neurosurgery; University of California San Francisco; San Francisco California


Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development

European Commission

Foundation for the National Institutes of Health

Dutch Brain Foundation

German ministry of education and researech (MRNET)

max planck innovation funds

Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Sigrid Julius foundation

van Leersum fonds




Genetics (clinical),Genetics







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