1. Institute of Human Genetics; University Hospital Magdeburg; Magdeburg Germany
2. Medical Genetics Department; Istanbul Medical Faculty; Istanbul Turkey
3. Medical Genetics Department; School of Medicine; Koc University; Istanbul Turkey
4. Institut für Medizinische Genetik; Klinikum Chemnitz; Chemnitz Germany
5. Department of Pediatric Genetics; Istanbul University; Istanbul Turkey
6. Department of Clinical Genetics; Guy's Hospital; London UK
7. North West Thames Regional Genetics Service; North West London Hospitals NHS Trust; Harrow UK
8. Department of Medical Genetics; Oslo University Hospital; Oslo Norway
9. Department of Clinical Genetics; St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust; London UK
10. Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry; Queen Mary University of London; London UK
11. Department of Medical Genetics; Leuven University Hospital; Leuven Belgium
12. Department of Medical Genetics; Antwerp University Hospital; Antwerp Belgium
13. Institute of Neuroradiology; University Hospital Magdeburg; Magdeburg Germany
14. Institute for Medical and Human Genetics Charité; Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics Berlin; Berlin Germany
15. Department of Medical Genetics; University of Antwerp; Antwerp Belgium
16. Division of Genetics and Molecular Medicine; King's College London; London UK