Top 10 research priorities for digital technology for adolescents and young persons with inflammatory bowel disease: Results of a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership


Narula Priya1,Gasparetto Marco2,Wong Charlotte34,Branchflower Jacob5,Sebastian Shaji6,McLaughlin John7,Rao Arati8,Wakeman Ruth9,Ainley Rachel9,Smith Philip J.10,Kammermeier Jochen11,Younge Lisa3,Randall Sophie12,Bukhari Seema13,Manson Jess13,Ellis Patricia14,Arebi Naila34,


1. Department of Paediatric Gastroenterology Sheffield Children's Hospital NHS FT Sheffield UK

2. Paediatric Gastroenterology Unit, Jenny Lind Children's Hospital University of East Anglia (UEA) Norwich UK

3. Department of IBD St Mark's National Bowel Hospital London UK

4. Department of Metabolism Digestion & Reproduction Imperial College London UK

5. Sheffield CRF NIHR MedTech & In Vitro diagnostics Co‐operatives (MICs) Sheffield

6. IBD Unit Hull University Teaching Hospitals Hull UK

7. Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Gastroenterology, Manchester and Salford Royal Hospital University of Manchester London UK

8. Department of Paediatrics Royal Free Hospital London UK

9. Crohn's & Colitis UK Charity St Albans UK

10. Department of Gastroenterology, Royal Liverpool Hospital Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Liverpool UK

11. Paediatric Gastroenterology Department Evelina London Children's Hospital London UK

12. Crohn's & Colitis UK Representative Patient Information Forum Hatfield UK

13. Parent and Patient Representatives UK

14. James Lind Alliance Southampton UK


AbstractObjectivesPriority Setting Partnerships (PSP's) using the James Lind Alliance (JLA) methodology, bring together health professionals, patients and parents/carers to identify and prioritise unanswered questions that can be addressed by future research projects. To identify and prioritise the top 10 unanswered research priorities in digital technology for adolescents and young people (AYP) with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).MethodsA steering group (SG) consisting of AYP with IBD, their parents/carers, representatives from two charities (Crohn's & Colitis UK, Crohn's in Childhood Research Association), patient information forum and paediatric and adult and primary care healthcare professionals was established in 2021. The SG agreed the protocol, and scope of the PSP and oversaw all aspects. SG meetings were chaired by a JLA advisor and followed the established JLA methodology.ResultsThe initial survey generated 414 in‐scope questions from 156 respondents, thematically categorised into 10 themes and consolidated into 92 summary questions by the SG. A comprehensive literature review followed by SG deliberation narrowed the unanswered summary questions to 45, for the interim prioritising survey. One hundred and two respondents ranked their top 10 research questions. Outputs generated top 18 research priorities presented at a final virtual prioritisation workshop, facilitated by JLA advisors and attended by key stakeholders, ranked into top 10 research priorities.DiscussionThe top 10 research priorities will encourage researchers to undertake research that addresses these areas of unmet need for AYP living with IBD, their parents/carers and their healthcare professionals, thereby facilitating improved patient care.




Gastroenterology,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health







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