1. “Città della Scienza e della Salute”, Department of CardiologyUniversity of TurinTurin Italy
2. Department of Cardiology“S.G. Bosco Hospital”Turin Italy
3. Cardiology Department, CHU Clermont‐Ferrand, Clermont‐Ferrand 63000, France Cardio Vascular Interventional Therapy and Imaging (CaVITI)UMR CNRS 6284, Auvergne UniversityClermont‐Ferrand France
4. Institute of Cardiology, Catholic University of the Sacred HeartRome Italy
5. Department of Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Nephrologic, Anesthesiologic and Geriatric Sciences“Sapienza” University of RomeRome Italy
6. Cardio‐thoracic‐vascular DepartmentFerrarotto Hospital, University of CataniaCatania Italy
7. Department of CardiologyZurich University HospitalZurich Switzerland