1. The seismic isolation in the retrofit of historic buildings. Proceedings of USA/ITALY Seminar Seismic Restoration of Historic Buildings, Los Angeles, USA, July 1996.
2. Seismic strengthening of cultural heritage through base isolation: some case studies. Proceedings of International Conference New Technologies in Structural Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1997.
3. Behaviour and modelling of masonry church buildings in seismic regions. In Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, (eds). WIT: Southampton, UK, June 1999.
4. Nonlinear analysis of some typical elements of a basilica plan church, In Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, (eds). WIT: Southampton, UK, June 1999.
5. The seismic retrofit of historic masonry buildings through BIS: preliminary analysis for application to church typology. Proceedings of MONUMENT '98 Workshop on Seismic Performance of Monuments, Lisbon, Portugal, November 1998.