1. The World Bank. Vietnam Overview.https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/vietnam/overview. Published 2020. Accessed May 5 2020.
2. Ministry of Health of Vietnam. COVID‐19 Information.https://ncov.moh.gov.vn/. Published 2020. Accessed May 11 2020.
3. The Government of Vietnam. Decree No. 13/2008/ND‐CP of February 4 2008 on Providing Regulations on Organization of Specialized Agencies of Provincial/Municipal People's Committees. 2008.http://vanban.chinhphu.vn/portal/page/portal/chinhphu/hethongvanban?class_id=1&mode=detail&document_id=57076&category_id=0. Accessed May 6 2020.
4. The Government of Vietnam. Decree No. 14/2008/ND‐CP of February 4 2008 on Prescribing the Organization of Specialized Agencies under People's Committees of District Levels. Vietnam. 2008.http://www.chinhphu.vn/portal/page/portal/chinhphu/hethongvanban?class_id=1&_page=249&mode=detail&document_id=57075. Accessed May 6 2020.
5. Vietnamese Ministry of Health and Ministry of Internal Affairs. Joint Circular No. 51/2015/TTLT‐BYT‐BNV Dated December 11 2015 Guidelines for Functions Tasks Entitlements and Organizational Structure of Departments of Health Affiliated to People's Committees of Provinces and Central‐Affiliated Cities and Health Aur. Vietnam.http://vbpl.vn/bonoivu/Pages/vbpq-van-ban-goc.aspx?ItemID=94029. Accessed May 5 2020.