1. Funerary Archaeology and Paleopathology, Department of Civilization and Forms of KnowledgeDivision of Paleopathology Pisa Italy
2. Department of Molecular Medicine, Unit of History of Medicine and BioethicsSapienza University of Rome Rome Italy
3. Department of Radiological, Oncological and Anatomo‐Pathological SciencesSapienza University of Rome Rome Italy
4. Service of Anthropology Soprintendenza Speciale ArcheologiaBelle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma (Special Authority of Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscapes of Rome) Rome Italy
5. CNR ‐ISC ‐ NuclearMagnetic Resonance and MedicalPhysics laboratory C/O Università degliStudi di Roma La Sapienza ‐ Physics Department Rome Italy
6. Department of Medico‐Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies, Unit of History of Medicine and BioethicsSapienza University of Rome Rome Italy