1. The aphorism of Hippocrates, and the Sentences of Celsus; with Explanations and References to the most considerable writers in Physick and Philosophy, both Ancient and Modern. To which are added, Aphorisms upon several Distempers, not well distinguished by the Ancients. The Second Edition, corrected and very much enlarged. London: 1735. Special Limited Edition containing excerpts from The Aphorisms of Hippocrates Presented as a service to medicine by Lederle Laboratories from the Collection of the Yale University Medical Historical Library. Classics in Medical Literature by DevCom, Inc. Wayne, NJ: DevCom, Inc., 1987.
2. Chapter 1. Hippocrates and all that. In: The alarming history of medicine. Amusing anecdotes from Hippocrates to heart transplants. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994: 5.
3. The language of medicine: its evolution, structure and dynamics. Haggerstown, MD: Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc., 1976.