1. ASTM Standard D 3479/D 3479M 2002 Standard Test Method for Tension-Tension Fatigue of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials ASTM International West Conshohocken, PA
2. ASTM Standard E 739 2004 Standard Practice for Statistical Analysis of Linear or Linearized Stress-Life and Strain-Life Fatigue Data ASTM International West Conshohocken, PA
3. ASTM Standard E 606 2004 Standard Practice for Strain-Controlled Fatigue Testing ASTM International West Conshohocken, PA
4. ASTM Standard E 1012 2005 Standard Practice for Verification of Test Frame and Specimen Alignment Under Tensile and Compressive Axial Force Application ASTM International West Conshohocken, PA
5. ASTM Standard E 466 2007 Standard Practice for Conducting Force Controlled Constant Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials ASTM International West Conshohochken, PA