Child–parent agreement on the SDQ: The role of child–parent attachment and parental feelings


Hen Meirav1ORCID,Shenaar‐Golan Vered2ORCID,Atia Stav1,Yatzkar Uri34


1. Department of Psychology Tel‐Hai Academic College Upper Galilee Israel

2. Department of Social Work Tel‐Hai Academic College Upper Galilee Israel

3. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinic Ziv Medical Center Safed Israel

4. Department of Psychiatry, Azrieli Faculty of Medicine Bar‐Ilan University Safed Israel


AbstractObjectivesChildren and their parents often provide divergent reports regarding their mental health on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). These discrepancies may impede the diagnostic processes. The present study aimed to explore how a child's attachment to the parent and parental feelings may explain some of the variability between parent's and children's reports on the SDQ.MethodsData were collected using self‐report questionnaires from 277 children and their parents (n = 421) who were referred to a public mental health clinic. This information was classified into clinical categories (normal and abnormal) and analyzed using multinomial logistic regression.ResultsThe agreement rates between children and parents on the normality of children were high in general and across gender and age. Insecure attachment to parents positively and significantly predicted the agreement of child and parent reporting abnormality and disagreement when parents reported normality and children reported abnormality. Parental anger positively and significantly predicted disagreement in reports in which parents reported abnormal anger and children reported normal anger.ConclusionsThese findings highlight the importance of assessing informant variability in association with emotional and relationship variables as clinically meaningful information for a clinical diagnosis.



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