1. International Organization for Standardization. Basis for design of structures: determination of snow loads on roofs. Revised ISO 4355.: ISO. 1974. Revised 1993.
2. Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN). CEN-TC 250-SC1 ENV 1991-2-3, Eurocode 1: Basis of design and actions on structures, Part 2.3: Snow loads. Brussels: CEN-TC 250-SC1, 1994.
3. , , et al. New European Code for snow loads: background document., University of Pisa, Report No 264. 1995. A detailed report on the current status of the European code on snow loads and the problems.
4. , . Snow engineering: recent advances. Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Snow Engineering, Sendal, Japan, 26-31 May 1996.
5. Snow engineering: recent advances. Rotterdam: Balkema. 1997. A wide collection of papers regarding snow engineering.