1. Department of Nuclear Medicine Odense University Hospital Odense C Denmark
2. MANTRA ‐ Centre for MagNetic resonance Technology for Response Adapted radiotherapy Odense University Hospital Odense Denmark
3. Department of Clinical Research University of Southern Denmark Odense Denmark
4. Department of Urology OUH Odense Odense C Denmark
5. Department of Urology The Hospital of South West Jutland Esbjerg Denmark
6. Department of Oncology OUH Odense Odense C Denmark
7. Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine The Hospital of South West Jutland Esbjerg Denmark
8. PREMIO ‐ Centre for Personalized Response Monitoring in Oncology Odense University Hospital Odense Denmark
9. IRIS ‐ Imaging Research Initiative Southwest Hospital South West Denmark Esbjerg Denmark
10. Department of Regional Health Research, Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark Odense Denmark
11. Department of Nuclear Medicine Lillebaelt University Hospital of Southern Denmark Vejle Denmark
12. Department of Urology Lillebaelt University Hospital of Southern Denmark Vejle Denmark
13. Department of Radiology OUH Odense Odense C Denmark
14. Department of Clinical Engineering Region of Southern Denmark Vejle Denmark
15. Department of Public Health University of Southern Denmark Odense C Denmark
16. Department of Nuclear Medicine Technical University of Munich Munich Germany
17. Centre for Innovative Medical Technology Odense University Hospital Odense Denmark