1. Research Group on Quality; Safety, and Bioactivity of Plant Foods; Department of Food Science and Technology; CEBAS-CSIC Murcia Spain
2. Laboratory of Disorders of Lipid Metabolism and Molecular Nutrition; Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (IMDEA)-Food; CEI UAM+CSIC Madrid Spain
3. Nutrition Service; Hospital Reina Sofía; Avda. Intendente Jorge Palacios s/n; Murcia Spain
4. Digestive Service; Hospital Reina Sofía; Avda. Intendente Jorge Palacios s/n; Murcia Spain
5. Surgery Service; Hospital Reina Sofía; Avda. Intendente Jorge Palacios s/n; Murcia Spain
6. Anatomical Pathology Service, Hospital Reina Sofía; Avda. Intendente Jorge Palacios s/n; Murcia Spain