1. Peak horizontal acceleration and velocity from strong-motion records including records from the 1979 imperial valley, California, earthquake
2. EDD, Civil Engineering Manual, Vol. V, Chapter 4, ‘Design of highway structures and railway bridges’, Engineering Development Department, Hong Kong, Government, 1983.
3. ‘Seismicity of Hong Kong’, Royal Observatory, Hong Kong, Technical Note No. 33, 1972.
4. Editorial Committee on Historical Materials on Chinese Earthquakes, Compilation of Historical Materials of Chinese Earthquakes (in Chinese), Science Press, Beijing, 1983.
5. ‘Catalogue général des tremblements de terre, affassements et soulé vements de montagnes, observés en Chine, depuis les temps, anciens jusqà nos jours’, Ann. chimie physique, 3e sér. 2 372–416 (1841).