1. Service de Réanimation Médicale Hôpital de Hautepierre Strasbourg France
2. Liver Intensive Therapy Unit, Institute of Liver Studies Kings College Hospital London UK
3. Hepatology and Gastroenterology Unit ASST GOM Niguarda Milan Italy
4. Value‐Based Healthcare Unit IRCCS Multi Medica Sesto San Giovanni Italy
5. Research Centre on Public Health (CESP) University of Milan‐Bicocca Monza Italy
6. AP‐HP Hôpital Paul‐Brousse, Centre Hépato‐Biliaire Unité INSERM 1193, Université Paris‐Saclay Villejuif France
7. Department of Hepatogastroenterology, Hepatology and Liver Transplantation Unit, Saint Eloi Hospital University of Montpellier France
8. Department of Hepatogastroenterology, Hepatology and Liver Transplantation Unit HCL Hôpital de la Croix‐Rousse Lyon France
9. Translational Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine Goethe University Frankfurt Germany
10. European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure (EF Clif) Barcelona Spain
11. Liver ICU, Liver Unit, Institute of Digestive and Metabolic Diseases Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, IDIBAPS and CIBERehd Barcelona Spain
12. School of Medicine and Surgery University of Milano‐Bicocca Milan Italy
13. Unit of Internal Medicine and Hepatology (UIMH), Department of Medicine University of Padova Padova Italy
14. Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery University Hospital Tübingen Germany
15. IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero‐Universitaria di Bologna Bologna Italy
16. Gastro‐hepatology Unit, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria, Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino University of Torino Torino Italy
17. University Medical Center Rotterdam Department of Surgery, Division of HPB and Transplant Surgery Erasmus MC, Transplant Institute Rotterdam the Netherlands
18. Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery Medical University of Warsaw Warsaw Poland
19. Division of Abdominal Surgery, Department of Surgery Geneva University Hospitals Geneva Switzerland
20. Hepatology and Liver Transplantation Unit CIBEREHD, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Universidad Complutense Madrid Spain
21. Faculty of Medicine La Fe University Hospital Valencia Spain
22. Gastroenterology Unit Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital Bergamo Italy
23. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, CRC “A. M. and A. Migliavacca” Center for Liver Disease Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Milan Italy
24. Hepatology and Gastroenterology Unit ISMETT‐IRCCS Palermo Italy
25. European Liver Transplant Registry Centre Hépato‐Biliaire Hôpital Universitaire Paul‐Brousse Villejuif France
26. Service de Chirurgie Hépato‐Biliaire et Transplantation Hépatique Hôpital de Hautepierre Strasbourg France
27. Department of Digestive Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Croix Rousse Hospital, Hospices Civils de Lyon University of Lyon I Lyon France
28. General Surgery and Transplantation Unit ASST GOM Niguarda Milan Italy
29. Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care, ASST GOM Niguarda, School of Medicine and Surgery University of Milano‐Bicocca Milan Italy
30. HPB Surgery and Transplantation Hospital Universitario La Paz Madrid Spain
31. Service d'Hepatologie Hôpital Henri Mondor Créteil France
32. Liver Failure Group, Institute for Liver and Digestive Health UCL Medical School London UK