Investigating potato flour processing methods and ratios for noodle production


Buzera Ariel12ORCID,Gikundi Evelyne2,Kajunju Napoleon3,Ishara Jackson12ORCID,Orina Irene2,Sila Daniel2


1. Department of Food Science & Technology Université Evangelique en Afrique (UEA) Bukavu Sud‐Kivu Democratic Republic of the Congo

2. Department of Food Science & Technology Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Nairobi Kenya

3. Department of Food Science and Technology Makerere University Kampala Uganda


AbstractA partial substitution of wheat flour with potato flour processed by various procedures was used to determine an optimal potato pretreatment method for noodle processing. Wheat flour was substituted with 10%, 30%, and 50% potato flour. Potato flour (PF) was processed using two different methods, including freeze‐drying (FD) and low‐temperature blanching, then oven drying (LTB_OD). The results showed that substituting wheat flour with freeze‐dried (FD) flour (44.29 μm) significantly decreased the mean particle size of the blended flour, while LTB_OD flour (223.09 μm) increased the mean particle size. The pasting properties of wheat flour significantly improved when potato flour was added, with FD flour blends having the highest results. The highest dough development time (14.46 min) was attained when LTB_OD potato flour was substituted up to 50%. The microstructure images showed a poor and discontinuous gluten framework when potato flour content reached 50%. Adding potato flour decreased noodles' brightness (L*) while increasing their yellowness (b*). Noodles made from wheat and LTB_OD flour blends resulted in the highest cooking loss. The texture properties of noodles deteriorated when potato flour content reached 30%. Substituting up to 30% with freeze‐dried flour and 10% LTB_OD resulted in noodles with the highest overall liking scores. The study suggests that for optimal noodle processing, substituting wheat flour with FD potato flour is more favorable than using LTB_OD, as it improves particle size, pasting properties, and overall liking scores while minimizing adverse effects on texture and cooking loss.


Japan International Cooperation Agency



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