1. School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China
2. Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin, Piastów Ave. 42 Szczecin 71‐065 Poland
AbstractMicrowave‐assisted pyrolysis of PE to hydrogen and carbon material has great potential to solve the problem of waste PE induced white pollution and provide a promising way to produce hydrogen energy. To increase the hydrogen yield, a new microwave‐assisted pyrolysis procedure should be developed. In the present study, a facile double‐layer microwave‐assisted pyrolysis (DLMP) method is developed to pyrolyze PE. Within this method, PE can be converted to hydrogen, multiwalled carbon nanotubes with extremely high efficiency compared with the traditional methods. A high hydrogen yield of 66.4 mmol g−1PE is achieved, which is ≈93% of the upper limit of the theoretical hydrogen yield generated from the PE pyrolysis process. The mechanism of high hydrogen yield during the microwave‐assisted pyrolysis of PE using the DLMP method is also clarified in detail. The DLMP method paved the potential way for recycling plastic waste into high‐value‐added products.