Polystyrene Brush Evolution by Grafting to Reaction on Deglazed and Not‐Deglazed Silicon Substrates


Ivaldi Chiara1ORCID,Ospina Guarin Viviana Maria2ORCID,Antonioli Diego2ORCID,Zuccheri Giampaolo3ORCID,Sparnacci Katia2ORCID,Gianotti Valentina1ORCID,Perego Michele4ORCID,Chiarcos Riccardo2ORCID,Laus Michele2ORCID


1. Department for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition (DISSTE), University of Eastern Piedmont P.zza S. Eusebio 5 Vercelli 13100 Italy

2. Department of Science and Technology Innovation (DISIT), University of Eastern Piedmont V. le T. Michel 11 Alessandria 15121 Italy

3. Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology and Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Research on Health Sciences & Technologies University of Bologna V. San Donato 19/2 Bologna 40127 Italy

4. Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM) National Research Council of Italy (CNR) Via C. Olivetti 2 Agrate‐Brianza 20864 Italy


AbstractTwo model substrates for the grafting to reaction are considered: not‐deglazed silicon, whose surface is coated by a thin oxide layer with reactive silanol groups on its surface; and deglazed silicon, where the oxide layer is removed by treatment with hydrofluoric acid. The reactive polymers are hydroxy‐terminated polystyrenes with molecular weights ranging from 3.9 to 13.9 kg mol⁻1. The grafting to reaction is carried out at different temperatures and for different periods of time on the two different substrates. The thickness and the thermal stability of the resulting brushes are evaluated. Furthermore, the grafting of a highly dispersed system is simulated by blending two polymers with different molecular weights. Although the brush thickness growth is found to be faster on deglazed silicon, the preferential grafting of short chains occurs with equal chain selection propensity on both substrates.










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