1. and , “Characterization of Carbide Lime to Identify Sulfite Oxidation Inhibitors,” EPA-600/7-78-176 (NTIS PB286646), September 1978.
2. “Sulfite Oxidation Inhibition by Thiosulfate,” Thesis, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Texas at Austin, 1984.
3. and , “Citrate Process Demonstration Plant—a Progress Report,” In: Proceedings: Symposium on Flue Gas Desulfurization, Hollywood, FL, November 1977, Volume I, EPA-600-7/78-058a (NTIS PB282090), March 1978.
4. and , “Pilot Evaluation of Limestone Regenerated Dual Alkali Process,” In: Proceedings: Eighth Symposium of Flue Gas Desulfurization, New Orleans, LA, November 1983, Volume 1, EPA-600/9-84-017a (NTIS PB84-226638), July 1984.
5. “Limestone Serubbing of SO2 at EPA/IERL-RTP Pilot Plant,” Progress Report No. 37, EPA Contract 68–02–2646, Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, November 1978.